Well Integrity Data Collection

Capstone is the industry leader in Well Integrity Services for Gas Migration (GM) and Surface Casing Vent Flow (SCVF). Our technology is superior and our team of technicians are available to help our clients understand the full scope of what the data is revealing.

We offer two tiers of experience with regards to preventative Well Integrity, they are listed below:

Raw Data Collection & Monitoring

This Well Integrity option ensures that you have the raw data on the GM and SCVF conditions of a well.

Risk Analysis & Well Integrity Reporting

This Well Integrity option expands on the raw data. When you work with Capstone’s Analysis and Reporting division, you are retaining engineer insights and full comprehensive reporting on the current and anticipated condition of a well.

Analysis and Reporting

  • Utilizing various technologies and software, Capstone is able to effectively measure the following down an oil and gas well:

    • Surface Casing Vent Flow (SCVF)
    • Gas Migration (GM)
      • Methane
      • Soil
      • Gas
    • SAGD (Steam Assisted Gravity Drain) / CSS (Cyclic Steam Stimulation)
    • Water Levels
    • Barometric Pressure
    • Emissions Measurement
    • Sample Collection
      • Gas
      • Liquid
      • Other
  • You can be confident in knowing that Capstone utilizes VentMeter™, the most precise real-time data collection system with the industry-leading flow and pressure resolution. This, combined with specialized technicians armed with over 30 years of experience, will provide you with peace of mind knowing that risks have been significantly mitigated thus empowering you to make better decisions when managing surface casing vent flow problems.

  • Capstone offers clients two methods of reviewing well data that has been collected.

    The first option being raw data in the form of graphs and print outs. For some teams this is sufficient and provides the insights that are required to make better decisions for the health of their well.

    The second option is Capstone’s Analysis and Reporting process. This is a refined reporting process that gives a clear overview of the data procured from testing. Our team brings their expertise and engineering knowledge to your process. We produce a comprehensive report that helps you have a full picture of the risks and opportunities present within a well site.

    Learn About Risk Analysis

  • Capstone provides remote downhole and above ground data collection services throughout the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin.

    We have offices located strategically throughout the WCSB which allow us to better serve our clientele where they are at:

    • Calgary, AB
    • Dawson Creek, BC
    • Red Deer, AB
    • Lloydminster, AB

    Contact Us

    Our team is proficient in accessing remote areas and our technology is able to support data collection even in these difficult to reach site locations.